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passive solar system中文是什么意思

用"passive solar system"造句"passive solar system"怎么读"passive solar system" in a sentence


  • 被动式太阳能系统
  • 衩动式太阳能系统


  • Heat supply heating and hot water supply is provided with : hybrid solar system on the base of solar collectors water - air , area - 12 square meter in the southern wall of a greenhouse ; passive solar system combined with the northern wall made of hollow blocks 0 , 2 m wide and filled in with hae of porous material
    该温室通过以下方式提供热水和供暖:南墙使用面积为12平方米的综合太阳能系统,该系统使用太阳能收集器制给空气和水体加热北墙使用被动太阳能系统,即墙体由每块0 . 2米宽的空心砖砌成,砖内填充多孔蓄热材料。
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